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In their own words

Sipping black coffee by the aquarium in the TARDIS

Strange, brilliant, adventurous, fascinating and uncommon. These are traits that I enjoy in friends lovers and alien species. I dislike being idle. There is a world (and in fact a universe) of exciting adventures to have, empires to build, inventions to engineer, and things to conquer. I enjoy learning new things. I tend to be very good at finding the answers to questions if I do not already know them, and don't like to leave things unanswered. I'm looking to meet interesting, passionate, and invigorating people. If you enjoy a cup of black coffee or tea; stouts and porters you can nearly chew; or whisky that puts the smokiness of Lapsang Souchong to shame, we should go for drinks. If you can appreciate the quality of good leather, the difference between the feel of suede, deer, and other tails or just find the thought of them swinging through the air and landing with a smack invigorating... we should talk. If you enjoy science, engineering, technology, robotics, or other tinkering topics and would like a partner with whom to tinker, we should talk. And if you are intrigued by anything you have read here or are curious to know more, you should message me.

Best Feature
5'  9"   (175 cm)
My Lifestyle
Social Smoker
Bachelor's Degree
I'll tell you later
I'll tell you later
Favorite Music
I'll tell you later
Turkish Food
Not sure yet
Favorite Actors
Matt Smith
Favorite Actresses
Karen Gilan
Favorite Artists
H. R. Giger
Favorite Authors
H. P. Lovecraft
Favorite Bands
Lindsay Stirling
Favorite Cities
San Francisco
Favorite Colors
Favorite Country
Favorite Drinks
Favorite Fashion Designers
Calvin Klein
Favorite Place To Be Kissed
Someplace/Doing something dangerous
Favorite Songs At The Moment
Can't Hold Us
Favorite TV Comedies
Family Guy
Favorite TV Dramas
Favorite TV News Sources
Favorite Foods
Favorite Styles Of Music
Business Finance
I love business, investing & finance topics. My degree was in business.
Dogs and Cats
Love cats, want an Angora. Dislike most dogs except Shiba Inu and a few other breeds.
Love to use them, and learning to tinker with them.
Hate the gym for its repetitiveness, enjoy being active though.
Love the internet. As a research tool and an entertainment source, it's hard to beat.
Stock Market
Learning about technical investing in my spare time.
Video Games
Play a few MMOs like SWTOR.
Very enjoyable with the right shoes.
Adventurousness Somewhat Daring
Affectionateness Somewhat Reserved
Trustingness Very Skeptical
Confidence Very Confident
Independence Somewhat Independent
Mood Very Intense
Romance Somewhat Romantic
Sociability Average
Thought Process Very Analytical
Tolerance Somewhat Unbending
Dress Somewhat Formal
Energy Very High
Go Party Rarely
Religion Not a Part At All
Neatness Average
Punctuality Often Early
Spending Average
Work Ethic Workaholic
When raising a family, how important is it that your kids learn to speak Turkish?
Have no opinion on this.
Describe the perfect evening.
Going for coffee or drinks, talking about science, taking over the world, getting rich, amazing sex, etc. Learning something new, or trying out a new adventure/project (e.g. taking a practical art or science class together, learning to skydive, working on cars, building something). Something like that. Certainly not the cliche dinner and a movie.
Describe your perfect weekend.
I enjoy shopping, cafes, and taking classes.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
No, its a nice idea and would be fun and romantic to role play but realistically it doesn't work. People don't show enough of who they are on the surface.
How many kids would you like to have?
None until I've reached the career and earning potential I'm aiming for.
If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
Probably create technology that allows the world to eliminate scarcity for everything in the bottom tier of Maslow's pyramid.
What is the most important lesson that you've learned?
Feel free to ask, but they are varied and numerous. Depends what you're curious about really.
What do your friends like about you most?
Either that I'm very good at problem solving and can come up with good ideas for virtually anthing. Or... that I'm strange, sometimes silly and possibly a secret mad scientist.
What do your friends tease you about the most?
Being scatterbrained or forgetful.
What gets on your nerves?
People who act on their emotions without taking the time to think things through rationally.
What is the most important thing in a relationship?
Growth. If a relationship doesn't encourage personal growth its not worth the time and effort.
What's the best age to get married?
Age is not really relevant I don't think.
What turns you off?
Insecure, irrational or ignorant people.
What turns you on?
Mischievous brilliance
What do you hope to be doing five years from now?
Running a growing business, and about 5-10 years off from being able to retire if I so choose.
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