When raising a family, how important is it that your kids learn to speak Turkish?
Any knowledge gains power so why stop there
Describe the perfect evening.
At work..........high five sike...somewhere outdoors strolling around in ah hot air balloon or somethn out of the ordinary cuz Im not jus anybody
Describe your perfect weekend.
anywhere surprisingly
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not inless Im staring at tha word evol backwards for tha first time. Yea I know that was ah gay joke but on the real i believe in seeing an epiphany through ah woman's eyes
How many kids would you like to have?
2-3 kids is ah reasonable #. I like children. They really don't bother me.
If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
Give out seeds that grow money trees. Jack from the beanstock said I can have them!!
What is the most important lesson that you've learned?
Of what.....
What do your friends like about you most?
I guess tha fact that it takes alot to make me mad. And then of course my cheesy joking
What do your friends tease you about the most?
They say I have ah woman's ass. that's jus gay...........And for the Administrators trying to erase my file for foul language, 'ass' really isn't ah curse word.
What gets on your nerves?
hell idk when my shoe doesn't fit hahahaha. what kind of questions are these
What is the most important thing in a relationship?
tEam work
What's the best age to get married?
Well logically I wud say 30's or early 40's but of course to someone you been with your entire life. those who marry young always divorce down the line
What turns you off?
Lesbians(for real)
What turns you on?
My lite switch off and my woman taking advantage of me
What do you hope to be doing five years from now?
Successful man with my degree in chemistry, math, engineering, art, and music(violin), obtained