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Never Married
Sao Paulo
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In their own words

Hi, I am a luck girl and I'll bring light to you.

Hello, Morena is my nickname here and I am sociologist from Brazil and I want to know people from Turkey - I am in love with your country and culture. I hope move to Turkey one day. I am start a turkish course in Sao Paulo and I'll try hard to get some skill with your language. I hope you can help me. See you

Best Feature
I'll tell you later
5'  2"   (157 cm)
My Lifestyle
Master's Degree
Nonprofit / Volunteer / Activist
$45,000 - $60,000
Very Liberal
Favorite Music
Middle Eastern / Persian / Arabic, Reggae, Classical, Latin, Acoustic, Alternative, Blues, New Age
Describe the perfect evening.
with a wonderful sunset and my love with me...walking and talk about save the world against the dark side and lord Veider
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes, sometime only listing the voice we can be in love...mind is powerful.
How many kids would you like to have?
It will be always a negociation...depend of the conditions that we can provide for the kids... i don't want to share poverty
If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
I will used to increase the social and economical gap among people around the world. To many people to have nothing and a smal parcel has too much...tooooo mmmmmuuucchhh
What is the most important lesson that you've learned?
Living out of Brazil it was amazing. I love it and I love have being involve with the Turkish community at WDC area in the USA... It's change my dreams now I want to live in Turkey.
What do your friends like about you most?
I am always avaiable to help them.. even if to paint wall and take care about their child when they need to travel. This create a wonderful relationship with confidence and intimacy. This is part to building a strong friendship. We trust each other
What do your friends tease you about the most?
I don't like to take pictures... I don't like to talk in phone or cell phones and they call me always to tease me and never talk someting serious and it makes me furious.. If you want to talk with me about life invite me to dinner or to coffe
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