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Never Married
Los Angeles, California
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In their own words


Following people categories would not fall in my favorite group. Turkcesi: Bu tipler tercihim degildir: 1) Profession: If they say they are "self-employed" or "consultant" or "other", that sometimes means they are unemployed or are licking envelopes at home. 2-Advertising/PR/Fashion: Tend to be very fancy-fancy, Long painted fingernails, equally pointy shoes, chemical smell. 3) I love me very much. Some profiles may say "I'm a great catch" "I'm a cutie!" "I have beautiful blonde eyes and gorgeous flowing hair" "I have rippling muscles and great chest hair". These people are very much in love with themselves. You probably won't be able to compete. 4) Please don't be. "I don't like arrogant people." "I don't like cocky people" "I don't like people with high opinions of themselves". When people write these kinds of things, they usually are writing about themselves. 5) Stuck up. "I want a man who knows how to treat a lady." This sounds innocuous, but often means that the woman wants to be treated like a princess. 6) Marry me now! "I want a family oriented man". Actually, many women mention this in their profile.It's corny when they overemphasize it.

Best Feature
I'll tell you later
5'  8"   (173 cm)
My Lifestyle
Master's Degree
Technical Science / Engineering
I'll tell you later
Favorite Music
I'll tell you later
Turkish Food
You name it, I eat
Favorite Actors
Dora's hispanic cousin
Favorite Actresses
Dora the Explorer
Favorite Artists
John Lennon, Metin Milli
Favorite Bands
Beatles,LCD Soundsystem, Panda Bear, Patty Griffin,Arcade Fire,Kings of Leon,Eluvium,Vieux Farka Toure,Delerium,Prefuse73,Tom Zé
Favorite Hangouts
the Standard
Favorite Books
On my Shelf: Etgar Keret, Irene Nemirovsky,Little Scarlet by Walter Mosley,The Road by Cormac McCarthy,The Night Gardener
Favorite Cities
Aachen Aalborg Aba Abadan Abaetetuba Abakan Abbotabad Abbotsford Abeokuta AberdeeNY, Istanbul, London, Paris, Bangkok, Singapore
Favorite Dramas
Army of Shadows,Pan's Labyrinth,Letters from Iwo Jima,Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Favorite News Anchor
Rudi Bakhtiar
Favorite Night Clubs
What's that?
Favorite Politicians
Barack Obama
Favorite Restaurants
Various Sushi & Thai spots in NY
Favorite TV Comedies
Sex & the City
Pretend it is interesting & works!
Not a good idea while on a date
Luv it Luv it
Sky Diving
May I borrow your parachute
Adventurousness Very Daring
Affectionateness Very Doting
Confidence Very Confident
Romance Very Romantic
Thought Process Very Analytical
Energy Very High
Religion Not a Part At All
Spending Out Of Control
Work Ethic Driven
When raising a family, how important is it that your kids learn to speak Turkish?
Extremely important for me to see my kids are being able to sing along those heavy-duty arabesque songs.
Describe the perfect evening.
I am not in to blind date. Not exactly my style but let's face it. Things haven't been going my way lately. I'm getting older.
Describe your perfect weekend.
Wherever her mom used to take her dad. Her grandma's grave and her cousin's classmate's funeral. Her uncle's villa by the sea or taking her grandpa to doctor.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Well, I'm not exactly Brad Pitt. Who am I kidding? But I'm not Danny DeVito either. Unless I carry a key chain with a BMW or Porsche logo on it; leave the key chain somewhere visible to everyone, NO I don't believe in the first sight thing.
How many kids would you like to have?
Depends on the future mother-in-law's discretion.
If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
I would stop the wars, heal global warming, protect endangered species, postulate a magical formula for quick weight loss and a payback plan for women's jewelry shopping and breast implant surgery. That's exactly how I will showcase my care & knowledge while meeting her mom.
What is the most important lesson that you've learned?
Under no circumstances, don't give up respecting her obsession with shoe shopping. Never reveal how it would make you feel if she went on an overnight business trip with her boss. Just play cool about it and wait for her all night long.
What do your friends like about you most?
My devout gratitude of all the size of my savings, checking, 401K, IRA accounts, and real estate investments for my future girlfriend's cousin's silicon implant.
What do your friends tease you about the most?
My respect for my girlfriend's overweight underachieved mom about my diet,workout habits & career goals. My humbleness toward her maxing out my credit card for her gift shoppings for her long lost cousins. My friends ain't just smart enough to understand me.
What gets on your nerves?
Her not falling for my well groomed fully loaded BMW as a trade-off for my receding hairline.
What is the most important thing in a relationship?
Dedication. Once I was asked: "If you, your mom, and I are trapped in a deserted island and we have food for only two people, who would you chose to share the food with? Me or your mom?"
What's the best age to get married?
Passed already. Ok, Im a loser, why don't you shoot me? What an intimitating question!
What turns you off?
Her being realistic, realizing my & her limitations, communication and opennes. Her not glamorizing or even forgiving me for neglecting anniversaries and birthdays
What turns you on?
Her fascination for jewelry, shoe shopping, anniversaries and Cindrella syndrom. Her explaining over & over how she rejected so many doctors & lawyers for being with me. Boasting on her ex's superhero capabilities.
What do you hope to be doing five years from now?
Woken up midnight, rocking craddle, nuking milk bottle and changing diapers, writing checks to pay bills for her facial spa while watching "Dora the Explorer" DVDs to fall back asleep in apron on the couch while she is out in an executive dinner with her boss.
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