:::Alex::: Is my name :robots,cheap dinner. Black hair covers her face, legs,lips, coffee, old records, ZAO, ? but she will always be cool. Reaching out, not a clue what I am doing, your eyes. old bike, old cars from germany, my mavi and deisel jeans are so tight they itch, but they were free, I worked for deisel jeans, they ? but who counting, everyones will to a 45%, even I. Talk,I like to daze, I am a mut cought between two cultures, have you seen the color Of my mothers eye, basterd child, ward of the state, who can help me, my self, I drink not enough, beer, walker black on the rocks. fave, I used to be. poison the well, stretch are strong, pit gave me a broken jaw, cool now, fever for the girls with issues, can I help you, how about some fries with that, I think I know everything, I don't know enough, I am not cool, attention, 27, 6'2" , toned as ?, lost, light in the tunnel, the sorry light leads the way. Portis head is ok, hooverphonic is a little ?, 80's tunes, too many to list, poor,turntables, an old deck, wave like you care, it's just easy, my shirt is young, makes my arm pits itch, holding, kiss the neck were the jaw connects, kiss the eye were the nose meets. can you hear me. I walk alone, me and the machine, shiney chrome, listen, breath, answer, truth, I hate lies,lies,lies. I lie awake, with out trust, trust kills, and you hoaxed my every thought...