A friend is need ,a friend indeed. On the importance of speaking. I think of a German bishop who lived during Hitler's rule. He didn't agree with Hitler's policies, but he didn't speak out. Later he was rounded up, and spent a long time in prison. He survived to the end of the war. His comment : "They came for the Communists. But I was not a Communist, so I said nothing. They came for Jews, but I was not a Jew so I said nothing. They came for the mentally handicapped, the physically handicapped, the Jehovah's Witnesses, the homosexuals - but I was not in any of those groups, so I said nothing. Then they came for me. I called out, but no one came. I learned: The freedom of no one is assured, until the freedom of all is assured." I think of his comments also , and so some may say, why are you commenting when it isn't about you? It is, in fact.Muslims claim that no one may say or do anything that offends their religion. I believe in not only the right, but the need, for freedom of speech (unless this is used to promote unwarranted hatred). My values morals ethics beliefs: all people need to be encouraged to look as accurately as possible, and also need the knowledge that they are free to discuss and criticize what they see.