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Never Married
Akron, Ohio
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In their own words

~*Dance like no one is watching*~

Hmm, where should I start: well first of all..I joined the Turkish personals just so I could have a chance to meet some new people and learn more about the culture. It is very fascinating to me!! {FYI: I am not exactly looking for love, but I'll let it happen, if it may} So feel free to reply if your willing to be my teacher... hehe. Well, some more about me: I will be attending college in the fall (my freshman year "WOOOOOO HOOOOOO!!") I was planning on going to the University near where I grew up for only a semester and then hopefully attend college abroad in Spain (since I already know some of the language and plus it will definately benefit my major). I know a few other languages already... so I guess you could say I'm somewhat of a nerd...hehe... But learing about other cultures is such an obsession of mine, so I can't help it. My passions are Art and music . I love to sing and dance!! And also fast cars {they totally turn me on!! :) Furthermore, I try to keep myself as busy as possible so I play a lot of sports. ...hmmm... If you would like to know more, just ask!! :) (I'll be surprised if someone actually read this entire thing.. lol) Love you all! MMMUUUUAHHH!! hehe

Best Feature
I'll tell you later
5'  6"   (168 cm)
My Lifestyle
High School
Restaurant / Food Service / Catering
I'll tell you later
Favorite Music
Middle Eastern / Persian / Arabic, Reggae, Latin, Rap / Hip-Hop, Alternative, , Dance / Electronica / House, Religious
Turkish Food
Wish I've tried some, but havent yet.
Favorite Actors
Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom,
Favorite Actresses
Angelina Jolie!!!
Favorite Artists
Enrique Iglesias, Musti,
Favorite Authors
Nicholas Sparks
Favorite Bands
Daddy Yankee, Aventura
Favorite Hangouts
Nikki's (some Latino dance club)
Favorite Cities
Madrid, Tokyo
Favorite Clothing Stores
Kauffmans... hehe
Favorite Colors
Favorite Country
Japan, Spain, Turkey, Australia,
Favorite Fast Foods
Favorite Magazines
Favorite Comedies
Gorge of the Jungle, Honey
Favorite Dramas
Walk to Remember, Enough
Favorite Horror Movies
The Cell
Favorite Action Movies
Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Wise Girls
Favorite News Anchor
?? lol
Favorite Night Clubs
Favorite Place To Be Kissed
Favorite Restaurants
Mariachi Locos, The Mongolian,
Favorite Songs At The Moment
Favorite Sports
Favorite TV Comedies
F.R.I.E.N.D.S, "I Love Lucy",
Favorite TV Dramas
Favorite Foods
chinese, mexican
Favorite Styles Of Music
reggaeton, pop, salsa, hip-hop, folk,
My passion!!
Interesting and fun... but so very vague.
Can be romantic at times when gazing at the stars together.
Fun, but dont guarentee meeting your 'soul-mate'
Board Games
so yawn-ish.. good for 'family-oriented' people, i guess...
Very relaxing
OMG!! Cars are totally my turn-on...
So adorable
We all need laughter in our lives.
My love!! very sensual and can be good excercise
An exhausting experience. Dont try so hard, just let it happen.
Good for the body!
Makes me hot... hehe... j/k... im just a big eating mchine.. lol
Such a nescesity to todays busy life.
Great for the mind.
Good for when your with a 'loved one'... espacially scary movies, gives a good excuse to cuddle.
One of my other loves
Captures un-forgettable moments forver so you can relive them again and again
I'd rather not get involved
Too many unnecessary disputes ovr it.
My life
Couldnt live without it... its my escape
Sky Diving
I would love to experience that someday!!
A big adrenaline rush!
Wasnt too good at it, but love to watch!!
Something I would love to do!! I will make sure I travel all over the world!!
Good way too free your mind of the many thoughts you contain
Adventurousness Somewhat Daring
Affectionateness Somewhat Doting
Trustingness Somewhat Gullible
Confidence Average
Independence Somewhat Independent
Mood Somewhat Chill
Romance Somewhat Romantic
Sociability Average
Thought Process Somewhat Artistic
Tolerance Average
Dress Average
Energy Somewhat High
Religion Average
Neatness Somewhat Neat
Punctuality Always On Time
Spending Average
Work Ethic Workaholic
When raising a family, how important is it that your kids learn to speak Turkish?
Lol... hmmm... well in my case not very. But if I ever have children I'll consider teaching them the languages I know.
Describe the perfect evening.
A day started off with sky-diving, and a romantic dinner on the beach ended with skinny dipping in the ocean as we watch the sun-set together... hehe...{like that would really happen}... as long as I'm with someone I truely enjoy spending quality time with...I could be doing something as simple as cuddling on the couch and still be satisfied.
Describe your perfect weekend.
Dancing, movies, to play sand volleyball...
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Well I can definatly say that I used to. I did believe that in order for there to actually be 'true love' between two people that they would have to have some kind of chemistry (in order for them to stay attached to each other)... and in order for them to have chemistry they would need to feel some kind of 'spark' or 'butterflies in the stomach' whenever they looked into each others eyes for the first time. But honestly, I dont like to think about love much heart has been ripped apart too many times..
How many kids would you like to have?
Like a hundred!! hehe... just kidding. I would definately like to have a huge family (when I get older that is)
If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
OMG!! I am always thinking about this!! Well first I wish I could fly... hehe... then I could appear where I would like to so much quicker, and plus I could save people and animals... like little adorable kittens and ofcourse people out of burning buildings... hehe. I dont know.
What is the most important lesson that you've learned?
Aww man, do I really have to answer this??? Too many to even name. Lets just say they were very traumatizing. I have lost just about every once of trust I have ever had for a person because of them. If you would like to know more, feel free to ask. I sure would love someone to talk to it about... if you dont mind being bored to death.
What do your friends like about you most?
Im a dork, sarcastic and creative...and adventurous. I have no idea!! Ask them.
What do your friends tease you about the most?
My obsessions... hehe.
What gets on your nerves?
People who lie just to impress you.. my parents, they would annoy you too if you met them (trust me, you wouldnt)...
What is the most important thing in a relationship?
TRUST!! And interest. Whats the point of being in a relationship if you are planning on being with like 5 other girls. In order to have a relationship work, you need to be interested in the one person you truely want to be with.
What's the best age to get married?
I dont think the age really matters... it should only matter on the persons maturity, attitude and maybe after 'they're' through with college...
What turns you off?
Pervertedness... (By the way, there is a difference between being perverted and being sensual or romantic!)
What turns you on?
oooo... many things. Mechanics, carpenters, construction workers...hehe (Guys who work hard and get their hands dirty VERY attractive!). Also fast cars... and a sexy voice...
What do you hope to be doing five years from now?
Studying in college still, hopefully in Spain or some other country other than the U.S. I would also like to have a nice car and maybe somewhere to live, other than this ghetto apartment on campus.
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