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Never Married
North York, Ontario
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In their own words

Sexy, tall, sweet and cute but voluptuous blonde

I was bron in Toronto, Ontario Canada, both of my parents are from Turkey and they were both born in Turkey, my father is however Armenian but Turkish Armenian, he was born and raised in Turkey his whole entire life, my mom is however Turkish and she is from Kirik Kale. I love to dance, I love Turkey and I want to live there! I think Turkey is the most beautiful and the absolute best country in the world. I'm looking for a a very, very sexy, tall and handsome Turkish man. I want a serious committment type of relationship, because I am about to start University in september and I want to really find a man, not a little boy, who is really in love with me and who will be absoutely crazy about me! I want to get engaged and get married in the near future or at least to have a serious and intense relationship. I do like older guys, in their twenties however, I love guys who are like 25, 26, 27. I find that so sexy!

Best Feature
I'll tell you later
A few extra pounds
5'  9"   (175 cm)
My Lifestyle
Bachelor's Degree
Fashion / Style / Modeling / Apparel / Beauty
I'll tell you later
Favorite Music
Middle Eastern / Persian / Arabic, Reggae, Rap / Hip-Hop,
Turkish Athlete
ooooh, don't know, I know he's not an athlete but can I say TARKAN?
Turkish Food
Sutlac and Mahlebi, yummmmm
Favorite Actors
Leonardo DiCaprio
Favorite Actresses
Kate Winslet
Favorite Artists
Favorite Athletes
Venus and Serena Williams
Favorite Authors
Danielle Steele
Favorite Bands
Sam Roberts ("Don't Walk Away Eileen.")
Favorite Hangouts
Favorite Books
The Iliad By Homer
Favorite Cities
Antalya and Istanbul Turkey
Favorite Clothing Stores
Guess, Gucci, Le Chateau, VICTORIA'S SECRET
Favorite Colors
Baby Pink
Favorite Country
Favorite Drinks
Sex On The Beach
Favorite Fashion Designers
Dolce and Gabbana, Roberto Cavailli, VICTORIA'S SECRET
Favorite Fast Foods
Pizza Pizza
Favorite Magazines
Harper's BAZAAR
Favorite Comedies
My Best Friend's Wedding
Favorite Dramas
Favorite Horror Movies
Sleepy Hollow
Favorite Action Movies
Favorite News Anchor
Don't have one
Favorite Night Clubs
Club 108
Favorite Place To Be Kissed
on my neck
Favorite Plays
William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Favorite Politicians
Favorite Sports Teams
The Lakers
Favorite Quote From A Movie
"Jack I want you to draw me like one of your French girls, wearing this. Wearing ONLY this."
Favorite Restaurants
Don't have one at the moment
Favorite Songs At The Moment
It's Like That, by Mariah Carey
Favorite Sports
Favorite Stocks
don't have one
Favorite TV Comedies
Favorite TV Dramas
America's Next Top Model
Favorite TV News Sources
Favorite Foods
Favorite Styles Of Music
Hip Hop, R&B and pop
I love acting!
I have a huge love and affection towards animals
I love children and I would love to have children sometime in the future
I absolutely love to dance, I go crazy and wild when I dance
I love to write, it is one of my passions in life
Adventurousness Somewhat Daring
Affectionateness Somewhat Doting
Trustingness Average
Confidence Average
Independence Average
Mood Somewhat Chill
Romance Very Romantic
Sociability Very Extroverted
Thought Process Very Artistic
Tolerance Average
Dress Somewhat Formal
Energy Very High
Go Party Always
Religion Average
Neatness Somewhat Neat
Punctuality Always Early
Spending Somewhat Spendthrift
Work Ethic Driven
When raising a family, how important is it that your kids learn to speak Turkish?
Very Important because the more languages you know the better and its very important that you keep your cultural and ethnic background in your family.
Describe the perfect evening.
The perfect evening or weekend would probably be spending a romantic evening with the person that I love at home just cuddling and spending the whole entire night together. I would also love to go out dancing or to a restaurant.
Describe your perfect weekend.
To the mall and to designer clothing stores to go crazy and do some shopping.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes I do in fact believe in love at first sight with all of my heart actually, this just goes to show what a hopeless romantic I am.
How many kids would you like to have?
I would love to have at least two kids or the most three kids. But I absolutely love children and I would love to have some of my own.
If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
Stop all of the bad things that are happeneing in Turkey at the moment such as all the theft and other crimes which are occuring at the moment and to finally put an end to poverty and hunger around the whole entire world, even though its such a cliche to say that by now but its so true. I would also love to put an end to all of those men who still abuse their spouses and children and all of those men who rape and murder women.
What is the most important lesson that you've learned?
I have been known to be a very romantic and sweet but naive and too trusting person of a girl, and I wear my heart on my sleeve which has resulted in me getting very hurt in the past. I haven't exactly come across great guys so far and I'm still looking very hard.
What do your friends like about you most?
My smile, my sense of humor, my incredibly crazy and wild personality.
What do your friends tease you about the most?
My perfectionism and stressing out so much over school and things like that.
What gets on your nerves?
Guys who cheat on their girlfriends, wives or fiancees or whatever.
What is the most important thing in a relationship?
Trust, loyalty and true love.
What's the best age to get married?
Any age I guess whenever a person wants to or feels that its right.
What turns you off?
If a guy is with me and he looks at another girl or flirts with other women even though he's already taken. That is just disgusting.
What turns you on?
When a guy looks into your eyes and tells you that he loves you. Also I get turned on by guys in uniform! Like fire fighters, especially sexy young police officers, or security guards! Something else which turns me on so much are very sexy eyes and tall men.
What do you hope to be doing five years from now?
Hopefully I will have finished University and will already have a job or a career which I love and I would love to be engaged in the next five years.
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